Hukum Tajwid Surat At Thariq Ayat 1-17 Brainly

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Tajwid is an important aspect of reciting the Quran. It refers to the rules governing how to pronounce each letter of the Arabic alphabet correctly. The proper recitation of the Quran is essential for Muslims, as it is the word of Allah. In this article, we will discuss the rules of tajwid for Surah At Thariq ayat 1-17.

Surah At Thariq Ayat 1-17: Introduction

Surah At Thariq is the 86th chapter of the Quran and consists of 17 verses. It is a Meccan surah and is named after the first word of the first verse. It is a short surah, but it contains powerful messages that are relevant to our lives today.

Hukum Tajwid Surat At Thariq Ayat 1-17

The rules of tajwid for Surah At Thariq ayat 1-17 are as follows:

1. Idgham Bighunnah

Idgham Bighunnah means to merge two letters together without pronouncing them separately. In Surah At Thariq ayat 1, the letter “ra” in the word “al-thariq” is merged with the letter “ta” in the word “ma” in “ma athraq.” The two letters are merged together, and the “ra” is not pronounced separately.

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2. Ikhfa Syafawi

Ikhfa Syafawi means to hide one letter by pronouncing it softly. In Surah At Thariq ayat 2, the letter “ba” in the word “bismi” is pronounced softly and is not emphasized.

3. Iqlab

Iqlab means to replace one letter with another. In Surah At Thariq ayat 3, the letter “ba” in the word “ba’ath” is replaced with the letter “meem.”

4. Madd Shilah

Madd Shilah means to prolong a letter. In Surah At Thariq ayat 4, the letter “waw” in the word “yawma” is prolonged for two counts.

5. Qalqalah

Qalqalah means to vibrate a letter. In Surah At Thariq ayat 6, the letter “qaf” in the word “qul” is vibrated.

6. Ghunnah

Ghunnah means to produce a nasal sound. In Surah At Thariq ayat 8, the letter “noon” in the word “min” is pronounced with a nasal sound.

7. Idgham Bilaww

Idgham Bilaww means to merge two letters together without pronouncing them separately. In Surah At Thariq ayat 11, the letter “lam” in the word “ala” is merged with the letter “ta” in the word “tahawwur.”

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8. Ikhfa Hakiki

Ikhfa Hakiki means to hide one letter by pronouncing it softly. In Surah At Thariq ayat 14, the letter “sin” in the word “min” is pronounced softly and is not emphasized.

9. Ikhfa Nafsi

Ikhfa Nafsi means to hide one letter by pronouncing it softly. In Surah At Thariq ayat 15, the letter “fa” in the word “fijannatin” is pronounced softly and is not emphasized.


Reciting the Quran with proper tajwid is important for Muslims. It is important to learn the rules of tajwid to recite the Quran correctly. In this article, we discussed the rules of tajwid for Surah At Thariq ayat 1-17. By following these rules, we can recite the Quran correctly and understand its true meaning.

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